Life Members

Life Membership is an honour bestowed on members of AUDS who have made major contributions that will persist long after their absence and exemplifies the sorts of attributes that support the reputation of AUDS. Life Members have demonstrated a contribution beyond the ordinary for an extended period of time, which has a measurable benefit to the club and membership.

AUDS is grateful for our Life Members;

James Gould

Hannah Canham

Catherine Voumard

Patrick McCabe

Daniel Fawcett (2013)

Rebecca McEwen (2013)

John Eldridge (2013)

Emmanuel Njuguna

Gordon Wicks (2016)

Eddie Mattner (2018)

Sinead O'Shaughnessy (2019)

Andrew Baker (2020)

The latest version of our Life Membership guidelines can be found by following the button below. Nominations for Life Membership should be received at no less than 2 weeks prior to a General Meeting. If you believe this list is incomplete, please get in contact with us!